Why Use Content Marketing?

At Central Florida Media Group, we’re always looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve. It’s our goal to bring our clients the best strategies for marketing their business. That’s why we’re excited to share with you the results of this recent study.

The pandemic has changed nearly everything about our lives. What hasn’t changed, though, is your need for marketing. You still have a business, but now you need new ways to reach your customers, thanks to the new normal. The way you run your business has evolved, and so should your marketing plan.

The Branded Content Project recently released the results of a report on content marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report found that despite the effect coronavirus has had on businesses, content marketing has remained relatively steady. The report also found content marketing is looking to be even more of a priority for businesses in 2021.

These findings reflect the huge opportunity that businesses have to adapt and take control of the future. Now is the time to take advantage of content marketing for your business. For information on adding resources to your business or help with your content marketing, call or email Central Florida Media Group.

Though advertising expenditures overall fell by double-digit percentages in 2020, the report projects the amount spent on content marketing specifically will be down only 1.5%. That’s because key industries know the value of This is due to specific industries hit hard by coronavirus reducing their marketing expenditures, like recreation or sporting events.

Content marketing is becoming more and more popular with small businesses because, simply put, it works. According to a panel done in October 2020 that was featured in the report, 46% of small businesses said they used branded content in some form; 45% said it had become more of a priority in 2020; and 56% said it would be a bigger priority in the following year. Which category does your business fall in?

Digital platforms are the biggest magnet for content marketing, and it’s where two-thirds of marketing budgets are spent. At Central Florida Media Group, we know how to craft your message and build on the reach of digital media using everything from social media, blogs, e-newsletters, website design, advertising and a host of other options.

Now is the best time to use content marketing to boost your business. Let us tailor a plan that’s perfect for your company.

Call us at 863-248-7537 or email us at in**@Ce**********************.com .

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