The Power of Social Proof in Marketing

Social proof, also called informational social influence, is a term that was coined in 1984 by psychologist and marketing guru Robert Cialdini. The term refers to the social phenomenon where people copy the actions of others in choosing how to act. In the marketing realm, this means the more positive reviews a company has, the more likely a person is to select that company or its products. Today, social proof has become one of the most powerful tools in modern marketing. Whether shopping, choosing a restaurant, seeking a service, or scouting for a new doctor, positive reviews are where the rubber meets the road. When potential customers comb through multiple reviews of your company and they see glowing testimonials, they’re more likely to choose your company. In addition, the better a company’s reviews are, the more credible and trustworthy the company is perceived to be.

At Central Florida Media Group, we work with companies in a wide variety of industries, and regardless of your industry and company size, social proof is essential to your reputation.

Easy Ways to Get Reviews for Your Brand 

But how do you get user reviews? It’s easier than you might think. Here are a few things to try. 

  1. Ask your customer for a review. Once your customer has completed a purchase or service, simply ask them in a follow-up to leave a review if they’ve had a positive experience. A nudge reminds them, when they might otherwise forget. Asking is a straightforward and easy way to get reviews. 
  2. Make the review process easy. The fewer the steps and less time it takes for customers to leave a review, the better the chance of them following through. Use a link or QR code that will take customers directly to the review page. Popular options include putting a QR code on a sign on a front counter or even on the back of your business card.
  3. Spread the love around. Reviews on Google Business profiles can be game changers, but don’t stop there! Reviews on Yelp, Facebook, and third-party platforms can help you expand your reach and improve your chances of getting discovered.

Let Us Help You Reach Your Marketing Goals

When you have your own business, all the nitty-gritty details can seem overwhelming. That’s where Central Florida Media Group comes in. We’re here to help you build your brand and increase your social proof. Contact us today to learn why dozens of companies choose us as their partner. 

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