Time Is Money, so How Fast Should a Website Load?

Just how fast does your webpage need to load? We answer those questions here. 

Maybe you’ve noticed your company’s webpage loading rather slowly, or you’ve stumbled across a page from another site that took quite some time to load. Did you get frustrated and give up? That’s one of the risks of having a sluggish website. In this blog, we’ll discuss the ideal load time and why it matters.

We’ll dive into the details to help your site load at lightning speed. For more from Central Florida Media Group on how to improve your website’s performance, visit our blog

  1. What’s a good page load time? Google’s recommendation is that page load time should be less than two seconds, calling that the “threshold for ecommerce website acceptability.” Google aims to have their own page load times under half a second. 
  1. What factors into page load time? Page load time can be affected by user behavior, web hosting and servers, image and video resolution, animations, hotlinking, and plugins and widgets, to name a few factors. Too much on a website, especially if these elements are not properly optimized, will slow the page down.
  1. How important is page load time? Do milliseconds make a difference? Research says they do. A better load time will result in a better user experience, encouraging users to stay on your site longer. This will lead to better conversions and sales. In a 2019 survey by Unbounce, nearly 70% of consumers admitted that page speed impacts their willingness to buy from an online retailer. And while many mobile web pages load slower than their desktop counterparts, users expect them to be quicker and get frustrated when they take too long. 

If you’re seeing a high bounce rate on your site, it might be time to analyze your site speed. For help with everything from image optimization to web design, Central Florida Media Group has you covered. Visit our website to learn more about us

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