Understanding the Psychology of Social Media Engagement

As a brand, it’s essential to understand your target audience. Not just their age and location — though those are important, as well —  but their needs, desires, and the pain points that may keep them from engaging with your brand, especially on social media. Knowing the psychology and the “why” behind your audience’s reason for using social media is a tactic that will not only help improve engagement but also elevate your overall social strategy. 

At Central Florida Media Group, we take the time to learn your business and take a deep dive into your audience to construct a strong social media strategy tailored to your brand based on psychology, analytics, and goals. 

Three Ways to Improve Social Engagement With Psychology

  1. Nudge a Specific Emotion
    According to several studies, emotion triggers people to buy. More than that, customers tend to feel a certain way about certain brands. The question to ask is, when customers see your brand, what emotion do you want them to have? Certain colors, images, and words, evoke certain emotions. Essentially, you need to set the mood with your posts.
  2. Create Urgency
    FOMO (fear of missing out) is a real thing. When your customer thinks they might miss out on something, they’re more likely to engage. There are several ways you can leverage the power of that feeling, including posting about and from events in your industry, talking about the latest product, addressing common concerns, and offering exclusive content that can be found only on your social media or website blog. When you create a sense of urgency, your audience is more likely to take action, because the last thing they want is to miss out on a great opportunity. 
  3. Build Community
    Many people flock to social media for a sense of belonging. Using social media to make your customers feel important and valued by your brand is a great way to increase engagement. When someone feels seen, heard, or like a part of something, they’re more likely to comment or share that post. When you can make them feel like they’re more than a customer, you’ll gain more than just social media engagement. You’ll gain loyalty to your brand. 

Work With the Experts

When you work with the social media marketing experts at Central Florida Media Group, you gain a significant advantage over your competitors. We combine psychology, quality content, and analytics to ensure you have the best chance at growing your following and engagement on your social accounts. Contact us today, and let’s create your brand’s winning social strategy!

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