Building a Website? Trust the Process

Your business needs a website, and we’re here to help. Rather than navigating with freelance designers or expensive specialty agents, let Central Florida Media Group take care of your website. Not sure what to expect? Read this blog to understand our process and what building your website will look like. Have questions? Reach out to us at anytime. 

1. Learning About You

First, we’ll take some time to learn about you and your business. What does your business do and how is it unique? What are you looking for in a website? Does your website need to be built from scratch, or do you already have a website you’d like us to update? What should your website do, and what goals should it accomplish for your prospects and consumers? All these and more are some questions we might ask you in our discovery meeting. 

2. Development Time

After we’ve learned about your business and understand your website’s needs, it’s time to get building. We’ll take elements and content you want incorporated, anything from text to photos to color schemes and logos, and design what you don’t have or want updated. We can implement lead generation tools as well as communication methods to use with current clients. 

3. Let’s Go Live!

After building, editing, and revisions to ensure you’re happy with your site, we’ll send it live. At this point, your website is viewable to prospects. We can continue updating with new content, including photos, blogs, and even ecommerce management depending on your business’ needs. You can see some of our work here

With the help of a team like Central Florida Media Group, building your website is exciting for your business. Take the stress off by trusting the process and enlisting the help of experts. Contact us today to get started. 

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