Social Media Metrics You Need to Know in 2024

Social media metrics provide essential data that enables you to analyze the success of your social media campaigns. They tell you how many people saw your content, how your audience is growing, and more. But which metrics should you be focusing on? Social media management is one of the many content marketing and advertising services we specialize in here at Central Florida Media Group. With more than a decade of experience, we know how to read and analyze your social media metrics and help you finetune your performance.

Social Media Metrics That Matter

Let’s take a look at the social media metrics you need to know in 2024, and the essential information they provide. Want to learn more about using social media for marketing? Check out our blog

  • Reach. Simply put, reach shows you how many people viewed your content at least once. It’s one of the most important metrics, as it gives you a broad view of how many people your content reaches. Reach can be broken down into two categories: paid and organic. Paid reach refers to the number of people who saw the post because your ad dollars pushed it into their feeds. Organic reach refers to the number of people who saw an unpaid post in their feeds.
  • Impressions. Impressions are similar to reach, but subtly different. Rather than showing how many people viewed your content, it shows how many times the content was seen. This might seem redundant, but remember, some people may see your content more than once, and knowing what content gets multiple views is valuable information.
  • Engagement Rate. Engagement rate shows when viewers do something with your content, such as commenting, liking, or sharing. It shows you when content is engaging and interesting to your audience. This number also includes saves, video views, and link clicks.
  • Amplification Rate. Amplification rate shows you how many times content is shared in relation to your followers. This improves your reach and engagement and helps grow your audience, so you want to shoot for a high amplification rate, and try to emulate those successful posts.
  • Video Views. While this one may seem self-explanatory, what counts as a view depends on the platform. Typically, clicking and watching a few seconds of the video is counted as a view. 
  • Video Completion Rate. This metric, on the other hand, measures how many viewers got to the end of your video. If people are watching your videos all the way through, it shows that your content is compelling and engaging. 
  • Cost Per Click (CPC). This metric shows how much each click costs in a pay-per-click campaign, whether on social media, Google, or elsewhere. This shows you how your marketing budget is being spent. 

Are You Tracking Your Social Media Metrics?

At Central Florida Media Group, we review social media and website performance with clients on a monthly basis. For each meeting, we create a Social Media Activity Report Card (or SMARC report) that covers the primary social media metrics and we discuss the performance of the company’s website, marketing, social media. This one-on-one feedback has proved to be invaluable in helping our clients build their businesses and remain competitive.

By understanding your social media metrics, you gain essential insight for growing your online presence. Want expert advice for your social media strategy? Contact Central Florida Media Group today to learn how we can help. 

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