Website Baby Steps: Getting On the Right Path

Launching your website is an exciting milestone for your brand. It means a whole new way to connect with your audience and build leads. But how can you prepare for launch, and what should you expect after going live? At Central Florida Media Group, we have experience designing and optimizing websites, so we can speak from experience.

Let’s take a look at what to expect when launching your website. Want more website building tips? Check out our blog.

Before Launching Your Website

Before your website officially goes live, there are a few things you need to do first:

  • Establish a solid SEO strategy, including keywords and content strategy.
  • Have clear paths to conversion for potential leads, such a clear place to sign up for a newsletter.
  • Create killer copy and content.
  • Ensure all placeholder images have been replaced.
  • Have a clear brand voice and tone established.
  • Have a backup strategy to protect against loss of data and other issues.

With these details in place, you’re ready to launch.

The Site Is Live, Now What?

With your site ready to go, it’s time to go live. As soon as you do, there are some more things to take care of:

  • Upload an XML sitemap, which provides search engines a list of the pages on your site.
  • Submit your site to Google Search Console.
  • Set up Google Analytics and set goals to track.
  • Make sure your Google Business profile is up to date.
  • Check for any broken links and fix them promptly.

With these out of the way, your website is officially open and ready to convert. Your job isn’t done, though; now, it’s time to start building your website traffic with things like:

  • Pay Per Click advertising, such as Google Ads
  • Continuing to improve your SEO by consistently publishing quality content
  • Starting a social media campaign to build your social presence and following
  • Continuing to monitor and adjust your SEO strategy, content quality, and conversion optimization.

An Exciting First Step 

With your website live, you now have one of the most powerful tools for building your brand. With continued monitoring and improvement, it can quickly become a massive source of leads for your business. Want more help on building leads? Central Florida Media Group in downtown Winter Haven is ready to take your business to the next level. Contact us today to see how we can help. 

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