Blogs Offer Insight, Drive Traffic

You may be wondering if your website needs a blog. The short answer is almost always yes. Blogs are a great way to bring new business to your site and provide a lot of benefits. Let’s talk about how a blog can make your website more powerful. It’s one of the many tools the team here at Central Florida Media Group uses to help customers succeed. 

Blog Benefits

  1. Drive Traffic
    According to research from Hubspot Marketing, businesses with blogs get 55% more website visitors than those without them. Those are valuable potential customers you don’t want to miss out on and could represent an untapped market. 
  1. Improve SEO
    Having a well-crafted blog on your website drastically improves your SEO. Many would agree this is the most important reason to have one. A great blog increases the time visitors spend on your page, decreasing your bounce rate. It’s also a great way to utilize keywords you’re trying to rank for on search engines. Need help knowing what keywords to use? We’re happy to assist. 
  1. Educate Your Audience
    When trying to come up with topic ideas for your blog, ask yourself what you want your visitors to know. Are there niche questions in your field that you’d like to answer? What about questions your users might have about your products? These are great opportunities to use blog posts that can help educate your site visitors. 
  1. Build Credibility
    By writing informative blogs that educate your audience and are packed with keywords, you’re building credibility as an expert in your field. Customers want to purchase products and services from the best out there. Your blog might be the first exposure that an audience has to your work. Show your clients that they’re in good hands with you. 

Blogs are a relatively simple way to add value to your website. If you’re interested in having a blog on your site or you need assistance with your website design, contact Central Florida Media Group today to get started

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