Image Format on Websites Matters More Than You Think

Whether your website has a lot of images, like in a product catalog, or only a few sprinkled into content, each image needs to be optimized to help your website perform at its best. Without image optimization, these elements will drag down load time, causing your users to get frustrated with your site and leave without interacting or making a purchase. Here are some tips when it comes to images on your site:

  1. Choose a good file format.
  2. Optimize your image.
  3. Prepare your image for search engine indexing.

At Central Florida Media Group, we’re here to give the details on each one of these tips and how you can apply them to your site. For information about the website services we offer, visit our page

  1. Choose a good file format.
    If you’ve had an error code when uploading an image to your web server in the past, we’ll tell you how to avoid that in the future. There are a few factors to consider when choosing the file format for your images. If your main focus is load time, WebP images will provide superior speed. However, PNG and JPG formats might be more accessible to you, and both are still good options. We recommend JPGs for photos as they compress well and load quickly, while PNGs are great for logos as they retain great quality and their transparent background, which could be necessary for a logo.
  1. Optimize your image.
    You’ve got your images in the format most appropriate for what you’d like to do, now it’s time to get down to optimization. A good standard recommendation is to keep your images under 1MB in size. You can use a tool like Squoosh to resize and compress photos while still balancing quality. 
  1. Prepare your image for search engine indexing.
    The name of your image does matter, as it’s a tool search engines will use for indexing your image. If you want your image to appear in Google Image Search and help link customers back to your site, this is a great tool you should not overlook. Name your image files descriptively and concisely, like “flower-print-dog-collar.” 

Following these tips will help improve your user experience score and boost your website’s ranking. Interested in getting individualized expert help from Central Florida Media Group? Call us at 863-248-7537 to learn more about us and what we can do for your business

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