What First Impression Does Your Website Make?

First impressions can make or break you, and that goes for websites as well. When users arrive on your homepage, there’s certain information they expect to find, and it’s important that you provide it. But what information is that exactly? At Central Florida Media Group, we build clean professional websites that reflect your company’s character and support your business needs. Needless to say, we know a thing or two about what people expect when they first come to your site.

Let’s take a look at what your customers want to see when they arrive at your site. Want more advice on building your website? Check out our blog. 

Website Essentials

There are several key things your audience expects when they load your home page. 

  • Your Contact Information
    Your website should ultimately serve as a way to communicate with your audience, and that includes direct communication. Make sure your contact information is easy to find right on the front page. This can be a link to your contact page in your header, an easy-to-find phone number right on the front page, or something similar.
  • Who You Are
    As soon as visitors arrive on your website, they should be able to see who you are, what you do, and what your values are. The service you provide should be front and center, and should not call for additional navigation. This makes it easy for people to understand what you do, and it also helps you capture new leads! 
  • Ease of Navigation
    Of course, you can’t include everything on your home page. So it’s important that when your audience wants to learn more, they can do so easily. Ensure your site is well organized with clear links to various resources and that all pages load quickly. 
  • A Clean, Pleasing Look
    Your website’s design and aesthetics are also important. Your website should never be cluttered, or people will quickly click away. Instead, it should have a clean, modern design that’s pleasing to the eye. Just like your home is a representation of yourself, your website a representation of your brand, so keep things clean and tidy. 

Make the Right Kind of Lasting Impression

If your website doesn’t make a good first impression, users are unlikely to spend more than a few seconds on it. Ensure you have a quality website that easily provides the information your users are looking for to guarantee they’ll spend time on your site. Want more website building tips? Contact us today to get started. 

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