A Mobile-Friendly Website Is Essential These Days

When designing a website for your business, it’s important to take the mobile version into consideration and spend quality time on the design of this aspect. While desktop was once the clear winner in user visits, now many users will be visiting your website from the convenience of their phones. Website builders will create a mobile site that matches your desktop site, but that base version is not enough. In today’s blog, we’ll explore the importance of creating a great, mobile friendly, optimized version of your site. Visit our Central Florida Media Group blog for more marketing tips

Why does my website have to be mobile friendly?

According to StatCounter, mobile phones held 56.75 percent of the global market share in July 2023. That’s a huge audience you don’t want to miss out on. If you’re thinking of creating a mobile app instead of optimizing your desktop site for mobile use, think again. A Hubspot article from 2022 states 50 percent of users are more likely to shop or browse on a mobile site to avoid downloading an app. 

Why deter a massive portion of your audience? It’s time to optimize your site and secure success for your business. 

How can I use my mobile website? 

Use your business’s mobile website to reach out to people on the go. It should be easy for your potential customers to get the information they need. That means making the layout and menu design intuitive. It also might mean simplifying any pop-up ads or banners to ensure your customers aren’t getting deterred early. 

What makes a great mobile friendly website? 

Great mobile websites share a few characteristics, like large, easy-to-read text, quick load times, and user-friendly menus. They also might include elements on the page that are optimized for a mobile user. It’s about capturing interest quickly and helping the user understand where they need to go to get the information they need. Mobile website users will click away if the site they’re trying to access is loading too slowly or if the language is unclear. 

Central Florida Media Group can help you create a mobile friendly website, complete with SEO optimization and services to help drive traffic to your business. Contact us today to get started.

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