Top 5 Reasons Visitors Leave Your Website (and How To Fix Them!)

Your brand has a great product or service. You’ve got great traffic coming in from your strong SEO content. But you’ve got a high bounce rate and not nearly as many conversions as you’d like. This is a good time to take a closer look at your website and the visitor experience. A clunky website can turn visitors and potential customers away before they even familiarize themselves with your company. Central Florida Media Group builds and hosts websites for dozens of clients, so we know the top turnoffs and how to fix them.

Common Issues That Cause a Consumers to Leave Your Site

1.) Slow Load Time 

This is almost always the number one reason people leave your site. Attention spans are getting shorter by the day. If a prospective customer has to wait as your website slowly inches down to reveal information, they’re going to jump ship—or websites in this case. 

How to Fix It: There are many reasons a site might load slowly, including oversized images, messy coding, and more. The best way to address this is to work with a website developer who can fix these technical issues to ultimately improve the customer experience.

2.) Poor Organization and/or Too Much Text 

Eye fatigue is real, and so is impatience. When your content is blocked together in lengthy paragraphs, it makes it difficult for visitors to find the information they need. Strategic use of white space makes a website easier to view and can better convert potential customers. In addition, bullet points help visitors find the information they need faster. 

How to Fix It: There are several content tips you can use to optimize user experience. Use shorter paragraphs, bullet points, and relevant graphics to open up the page and make your content more appealing to the eye.

3.) Website Isn’t Mobile Friendly

Smartphones can turn curiosity and immediate needs into leads by providing instant connection through search engines and your website. Think of the prevalence of searches phrased as “construction company near me” or “restaurant near me.” If your website doesn’t work on mobile platforms or is not user friendly, you’re going to lose quite a few customers. 

How to Fix It: Create a mobile-friendly site that easily allows your customers to navigate and find solutions to their problems.

4.) Too Much Friction

Friction is anything that stops a potential customer from converting. It can be as simple as too many fields in your contact form or too many steps to add a product to the cart. People prefer the easiest and simplest options. 

How to Fix It: Do a friction audit to determine what could be stopping customers and then streamline the process for a better user experience.

5.) No Clear Solution 

Your website may be technically sound and offer a great user experience, but if the user can’t find an obvious solution to a problem, they aren’t going to stick around.

How to Fix It: Your website needs clear and persuasive copy that tells users exactly what your brand offers and how it can help them. 

Partner With a Company That Does It All

The simplest way to fix all of this and more is to work with a media company that understands every aspect of what it takes to make your website succeed. Ready to get started? Contact Central Florida Media Group and let’s improve your brand together.

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